• Do I Have To Apply for CPP Disability?

    Most policies contain a provision that requires you to apply for Canada Pension Plan Disability if requested by the insurer. It is usually to your advantage to apply, even though the insurance company will get the credit or offset. Most lawyers would agree the test of disability for CPP is more difficult than LTD, so if you qualify for CPP, it may be harder for the insurer to justify a stoppage. Moreover, CPP considers years in which you receive CPP Disability to be contribution years, thereby increasing your regular CPP entitlement upon retirement. 

  • What Will Happen To My Medical And Other Coverage?

    So long as you remain employed and the premiums are paid, you are entitled to keep your benefits while disputing the LTD denial. Sometimes your employer will continue to pay your premiums, but if not you will have to pay to keep the coverage.

  • Do I Have To Attend A Work Hardening Program?

    Sometimes insurance companies will insist that you participate in a work hardening program, with or without the assistance and guidance of a trained professional. If you do not at least attempt the program, the insurer may consider this a reason to deny your claim. If are unable to complete a work hardening program, or if it makes your symptoms worse, be sure to obtain the support of a treating physician to avoid termination.

  • Does this website offer legal advice?

    No. Contact us to obtain legal advice. The information on this site is for informational purposes only.

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